Saturday, November 24, 2007

Jake's Diner--Old School Central Oregon

I just got done reading the most current post on "Diner Life" @ If you're not familiar, it's a blog written by a man named Lyle Hicks. Now I don't personally know Lyle, but I know a few things about him.

I know he was born in Bend, on Hospital Hill, a good while ago (so was I). I also know that he does a lot of good for the people of Central Oregon. He is involved in helping veterans, Habitat for Humanity, senior citizens, and as far as I can tell, many other groups and individuals in this area.

In his most current post (11/23/07), he tells of how he and his staff and volunteers, fed & entertained 350 senior citizens Thanksgiving dinner, AT COST! Nothing in it for them but the satisfaction that they helped some people out.

This is truly "Old School Central Oregon." It seems to me that many of the recent transplants to this region know nothing about helping thy neighbor. They do, however, know a boatload about helping themselves. And that appears to be the only thing that they do know about. Yes I know that there are a lot of new people living here that have a lot of giving in them. And I also know that there are some old-timers around that are just pure mean. But I guess why I take note of this, and what disturbs me the most, is the trend. People in C.O. just aren't as nice to one another as they used to be. And in my case this often causes two reactions, sorrow and anger.

Sad not for the growth in C.O. We have first rate medical facilities, much better restaurants, stores, cultural activities, etc., etc., etc. In many, many ways, C.O. is a richer and more diverse area than it used to be. No, it makes me sad when I have to deal with a bunch of fucking assholes. The majority of which, came from somewhere else.

It used to be that when waves of people moved to this area, they acclimated. They liked the way things were here and tried hard to fit in. Now, this new breed of selfish fucker, wants to move here and have everyone here adapt to fit into their little bullshit, selfish, meaningless lives. If you can't tell, that's where the anger comes in.

But enough of that, let me get back to Lyle and his friends. He's a good man, and stands for what C.O. was, and should still be, about. You should read his blog. You should dine at Jake's Diner. You should strive to be more like these people, and help to support them. Whether it's with their cause, or your own. I DO!

1 comment:

Duncan McGeary said...

Time for another, my friend.